Dr. David McNamara, Ph.D.
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How will we live our lives? What are the choices we will make?  Whether we are eleven or eighty-one, we are faced, every moment, with choices, some of which have long-term consequences, often more than we realize.  

This is certainly true of our children.  Their behavior, relationships, feelings, and attitudes can take root, become habits, and form the basis of the way they see and live in the world.

We make choices, some insignificant and some profound, at every stage of our lives:  As adults, either as parents of families, or earlier in adult life as we create our selves in the world, or as we move into that later period of eldership, reflection and generativity.   Becoming more and more conscious of those choices as to how we — and our children — live, allows us the freedom and mindful creativity to weave the fabric of our lives into the type of person we would choose to be.

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Freedom and conscious choice! This is the core work of psychotherapy, and how I see my role in supporting kids, families, adults, and elders:  to support making healthy and satisfying choices in how we interact with our world, what and how we feel, what we believe to be true about our lives.  The way we make these choices can empower us to create our lives—and those of our families— as we would most like them to be.

The choices we face — and especially those of our children —are both rich in possibility and, yet, potentially overwhelming.  Those choices form the pattern of whom we become.  Choosing consciously and freely, not being unconsciously shaped by our fears and feelings, can guide us in our lives as creative, empowered, caring people, contributing to our world becoming as we would like it to be!

I seek to serve and support people — throughout the variety of ages and stages of life — in understanding and learning how best to create those choices.